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Showing posts from December, 2020

Filling up the creative well when you are struggling....

Maya Angelou famously said “You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.” but I am sure I am not alone in not struggling with the concept, especially at the moment. Anyone who knows me personally will know that I have battled with my mental health for over half my life and despite an amazing support circle, the right medication and a whole toolbox of tools, sometimes my mood just dips that little bit lower than normal and despite a real urge to create (something, anything !!!) nothing appears.  I am by no means an expert and I sat here writing this rather than creating, so read into that as you may, but there are a few things I have been doing recently to try a keep my creative spark alive until something clicks and I can spend a few hours creating for me again. 1. Keeping up with my favourite creators on Social Media Dina Wakley is a huge inspiration of mine after first seeing her  on YT a few years ago, and she has been so generous wi...